
Adding a whitelist to your collection's mint.

Add up to two whitelist phases before public mint. Each phase can have a different mint price, start, and end time.

To add a whitelist to your collection's mint, navigate to the Advanced section of the collection creation page.

Click on the Add Whitelist button.

Edit the following settings according to your preference:

  • MINT PRICE: mint price for the Whitelist phase. This can be the same or different from the Public phase.

  • MINTS PER ADDRESS: number of mints permitted per address (e.g. 3 mints per address means the address is eligible to mint 3 NFTs in total)

  • MINT START: start time for the mint phase.

  • MINT END: end time for the mint phase.

  • .CSV / .TXT OF ADDRESSES: a .csv or .txt file of the addresses included on the Whitelist. These will be the addresses eligible to mint during the Whitelist phase.

Last updated