Art Assets

Generating your artwork and metadata.


To correctly display the media on your NFTs, you will need to provide an IPFS URL to a folder with JSON objects (metadata of each NFT) of your collection.


This is the IPFS URL provided for the Blaze Ledger collection.

Every JSON object will have a URL inside it that points to the NFT's media (art assets). A common mistake creators make when providing the URL for their art assets is they provide the IPFS URL for the art files (.png or .gif files) rather than the JSON objects (which have the art files within them).

Let us go deeper on our Blaze Ledger example and take a look at the IPFS URL provided:

  • First, click on the IPFS URL. Give it a few seconds to load, and you will see the following.

  • Each one of these files is a JSON object that holds the metadata of an NFT in the Blaze Ledger collection. The name of the file is the ID number of the NFT. e.g. file 514.json is the metadata file of Blaze Ledger #514.

  • Now, let us click on file 514.json and check its contents.

  • It is a metadata file, and we can clearly see it is just some text that describes NFT #514. Note how "image" (the NFT art) is defined by a different IPFS URL, which points to the image of the specific NFT.

Tutorial (for your own collection)

This tutorial will teach you, step-by-step, how to acquire the IPFS URL that you must input in the Create page on Blaze in order to properly launch your NFT collection. This tutorial assumes that you have your collection's art assets ready.

Instead of following this tutorial, you can also follow this guide created by Blaze community member Squirrelly Worley.

This tutorial will not teach you how to generate artwork and metadata for your collection. If you do not have prior experience with the process of generating artwork for your NFT collection using layered art, follow along with this video which walks you through the entire process from start to finish, beginning with creating the layers for your collection all the way through generating your unique collection.

With that being said, here is the tutorial:


First, you will need to upload the art assets of your collection to IPFS. To make this process easier, we will use a third party provider (rather than use IPFS straight up).

Navigate to (you can also use other providers like or and create an account. You may be asked to provide your card details, but you can pick the free tier so you will not be charged. This rest of this tutorial will be done on


Navigate to the console to start uploading your files. Click on the Create tab to create a space.

Pick a name for your space and click Create.

Once your space is created, click View.


Navigate to the Upload tab, and click to upload your art assets.

Make sure to click the blue Upload button after selecting your files.

Wait for the upload to be done, and then navigate to the List tab.

You will see the file you just uploaded in your list. Click on it to find the IPFS URL for your art files.

In this case, this is the IPFS URL of our folder, with the file we uploaded inside.

Last updated